(A Found Poem, by Felix Jung)
Passer-by, stop, look, and get
the hell out of here. I have seen nothing
last forever under the sun. Oh time,
devourer of things. Oh sun, king
of kings. Only you can prove that I
am useful. Let others tell of storms
and showers, I only mark
the bright hours.
It is light that makes a shadow.
Nobody looks at me when the sun
is not there. Oh light, I hope for thee
in this darkness.
Let this hour be favorable. Devote
the other to leisure, devote this one
to work. Rest after work. Any hour
can go to my friends. Use them, don’t
count them, they won’t come back.
It is later than you think. Seize
the day. Each one wounds,
the last one kills. One will give
what the other has refused.
One of these will be your last.
Spring does not last forever.
Life goes and still it always looks
the same. Time is short, do not be
late. Do not forget to live.