Life Alert March 1st, 2011
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. Live this precious life that you have now and for as long as you way continue to have as if it means something to you. Go outside Play in the rain Swim in a lake Hike a trail Pick fruit, vegetable or your […]
No Limits, Hindrance Or Not October 20th, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. The first and foremost significant mindset is that you must live as if tomorrow were your last day to live. You never know when your last breath may come. If you were diagnosed with terminal cancer, your paradigm and sudden urgency to really […]
Your Support September 24th, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. -Enjoy life. Make it fun. You can only take memories with you. Make them happy ones. Laugh a lot. -It sounds to cliche, but life really is short when you put it in perspective. If you have something you want to accomplish, do […]
Abusive Past / Kidnapped Son September 19th, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. To Everyone: When you grow up in fear and the people you trust (are actually telling you lies – about the mental abuse and violence you see) – saying everyone has their own family problems and this is just our family problem. (No […]
To My Seventeen-Year-Old Self, Who Is About To Leave School September 7th, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. I see you there in that big school hall, wearing your Guns N’Roses T-shirt and your fake bravado, waiting for this final day at school to end. I remember what it was like to sit where you sit, and I thought you might […]
And To My Little Brother August 31st, 2010
Now that I am dead, I want to tell you a few things. Truth be told, I want to tell you everything that you will ever need to know, and warn you against everything that could ever hurt you, and give you everything in life that you could ever need to be happy. But, I […]
Fantasmagorie: Photographs That Fade In Smoke August 30th, 2010
Now that I am dead, I want to tell you a few things. Actually, that’s a lie. Now that I am dead, I can tell you nothing, but that’s hypotheticals for you. It’s the principle that counts. Death has this irritating habit of defining life, driving from the backseat. It’s the finale, exeunt, end. Nobody […]
Where To Be August 26th, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. I have only been beyond for a few weeks. The earth first received my dry ashes. It drank the mineral tonic I became in a mountain rainstorm. Minuscule stems then raised me to sunlight before snow covered all with sleep. There, I dream. […]
Adulthood August 25th, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. Dear You, No one knows when they become an adult. That’s because there is no obvious sign. You won’t find a magic door and walk through it and get a T-shirt or a special glow around your head. You won’t step across some […]
Identity August 21st, 2010
Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. I know it’s hard to be twenty-four. I remember. Harder now, maybe, than when I was then. It seems like adolescence is prolonged more and more all the time. When we talked — when I was alive — you often expressed confusion to […]