Your Support

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. -Enjoy life. Make it fun. You can only take memories with you. Make them happy ones. Laugh a lot. -It sounds to cliche, but life really is short when you put it in perspective. If you have something you want to accomplish, do […]

To My Seventeen-Year-Old Self, Who Is About To Leave School

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. I see you there in that big school hall, wearing your Guns N’Roses T-shirt and your fake bravado, waiting for this final day at school to end. I remember what it was like to sit where you sit, and I thought you might […]


Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. I know it’s hard to be twenty-four. I remember. Harder now, maybe, than when I was then. It seems like adolescence is prolonged more and more all the time. When we talked — when I was alive — you often expressed confusion to […]

Share the Memories

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. Memories are not recognized in dates or day to day events but in glimpses of memorable moments or remarkable time frames. When something happened to you – happy, sad, amazing, aweful, inspiring – don’t wait, write it down while it is fresh in […]

An Abusive Childhood

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. It’s sad that now I’m old, I only realized a couple of years ago that the ONE thing I should not have done in my abusive childhood was sacrifice myself for my siblings. And my mother. The details are not that important, only […]

To My Sons And My Birth Mother

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. To My Sons: I wish I would have never said I needed help to get away from your father. I wish I just would have dealt with it and left on my own time. You were told lies about me and were told […]

For My Daughter

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. Your grandfather spent his whole life collecting – rare books, valuable stamps, hard-to-find records, historical artifacts… and he lost it all in a house fire because he loved his “stuff” so much that he couldn’t even bring himself to sell off even a […]

The Day the Boy Almost Drowned

Now that I’m dead, I want to tell you a few things. I want to tell you a story about your Grandma – my mom. She and Grandpa had a swimming pool in the back yard, which they really enjoyed. Grandma was always nervous, though, about the neighborhood kids playing back there when no one […]